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This is Spinal Tap
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
This is Spinal Tap Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with:
Rating: R Year: 1984 Category: Comedy Musical
Director: Rob Reiner Time: 82 min. Writer: Chistopher Guest & Michael McKean

Mine: Often very funny, always fun to watch. Terrific stuff.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Admirably precise parody of a rock documentary, with Reiner as director Marty Di Bergi, who chronicles latest American tour of aging British rock group that's a working definition of the term ``loser. '' Collaborative effort improvised by Reiner and his cast of colleagues; cunning satire through and through, though not always terribly funny. Our favorite bit: the amplifier that goes to ``11. '' Many familiar faces appear in cameos. P. S. : In the '90s the ``fictitious'' group reunited for a series of concerts and a TV special. Laser and video re-release in 1995 features many new scenes.
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Rob Reiner Rob Reiner as:
Marty DeBergi
Michael McKean Michael McKean as:
David St Hubbins
Christopher Guest Christopher Guest as:
Nigel Tufnel
Harry Shearer as:
Derek Smalls
Bruno Kirby Bruno Kirby as:
Tommy Pschedda
Jean Cromie as:
Etheral Fan
Ed Begley Jr. Ed Begley Jr. as:
John Pepys
Patrick Maher as:
New York M.C.