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Thirty-Two Short Films about Glenn Gould
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Thirty-Two Short Films about Glenn  Gould Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Adam at York Square Cinema
Rating: NR Year: 1994 Category: Drama
Director: Francois Girard Time: min. Writer: Francois Girard & Don McKellar

Mine: Interesting. Kind of makes you want to know more about this guy. Sadly this movie dosn't give you clear picture of Gould. Does paint a compeling picture of the madness/genius persona.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: As the title says... and the result is an occasionally illuminating but much too fragmented bio of the famed reclusive concert pianist. People who know Gould talk about him, key scenes from his life are enacted and his works are performed, but it doesn't quite add up, either as documentary or biography. Girard scripted, with Don McKellar.
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Colm Feore Colm Feore as:
Glenn Gould
Derek Keurvost as:
Gould's Father
Katya Ladan as:
Gould's Mother
Kate Hennig as:
Sean Doyle as:
Sharon Bernbaum as:
Female Guide
Carlo Rota as:
CBS Producer
Peter Millard as:
CBS Engineer