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Things Change
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
Things Change Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: PG Year: 1988 Category: Comedy
Director: David Mamet Time: 100 min. Writer: David Mamet & Shel Silverstein

Mine: Lots of fun. Great performances. David Mamet makes great films.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Simple Italian shoemaker (Ameche) agrees to take the rap for a Chicago mob murder for a fee, but the man assigned to baby-sit him for a weekend (Mantegna) decides to take the old man on a final fling before he goes to jail. Slight, sometimes flat comic fable by Mamet and Shel Silverstein is buoyed by some wonderful vignettes and endearing performances by the stars. Ameche is a joy to watch.
User Reviews:
steve rice's rating:
(out of 5 stars)
worst movie i ever saw....wall to wall elevator inspired music, trite, cute slow performances stupid dialog truly hateable i thought I liked mamet.....gratuitous plugs for "jackie shore" suggest he may have nude pictures of mamet with a goat
Paul Van Der Haar's rating:
(out of 5 stars)
Completed f*cked movie. Failed to follow any of it. No real plot, just screwed.
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Don Ameche Don Ameche as:
Joe Mantegna Joe Mantegna as:
Robert Prosky as:
Joseph Vincent
J.J. Johnston as:
Ricky Jay Ricky Jay as:
Mr. Silver
Mike Nussbaum as:
Mr. Greene
Jack Wallace as:
Repair Shop Owner
Dan Conway as:
William H. Macy William H. Macy as:
Billy Drake
Felicity Huffman Felicity Huffman as:
The Wheel of Fortune Girl
Clark Gregg Clark Gregg as:
Stage Manager