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Switching Channels
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
Switching Channels Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1988 Category: Romance Comedy
Director: Ted Kotcheff Time: 105 min. Writer: Ben Hecht & Johathan Reynolds

Mine: Very funny remake. The cast is great. Burt at his best. Great fun.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: TV reporter Turner tries to quit her job to marry wealthy Reeve, but her boss (and ex-husband) Reynolds isn't going to give her up so easily. Surprisingly good remake of THE FRONT PAGE/HIS GIRL FRIDAY updated to the satellite-television era, but less effective in its use of satire and occasional melodrama than its classic predecessors. All three stars are terrific.
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Kathleen Turner Kathleen Turner as:
Christy Colleran
Burt Reynolds Burt Reynolds as:
John L. Sullivan IV
Christopher Reeve Christopher Reeve as:
Blaine Bingham
Ned Beatty Ned Beatty as:
Roy Ridnitz
Henry Gibson as:
Ike Roscoe
Charles Kimbrough as:
The Govenor
George Newbern as:
Al Waxman as: