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Star Wars
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
5 Stars
Star Wars Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Dad and Mr. Shaffer at Showcase Orange
Rating: Year: 1977 Category: Sci-Fi Action
Director: George Lucas Time: 121 min. Writer: George Lucas

Mine: This is THE movie that turned me in to a movie freak. I have very clear memories of seeing this. It was before they cut all the theatres in the old Showcase Orange in half. We sat in the middle about half way back. I saw it 3 more times that summer. What a ride.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Elaborate, imaginative update of Flash Gordon incredibly became one of the most popular films of all time. It's a hip homage to B-movie ethics and heroism in the space age, as a callow youth (Hamill) becomes an interplanetary hero with the help of some human and robot friends. R2D2 and C-3P0 steal the show. Won seven Oscars for various technical achievements and John Williams' rousing score. Full title onscreen (on re-release prints) is STAR WARS EPISODE IV: A NEW HOPE Followed by THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK and RETURN OF THE JEDI. Special Edition released in 1997 features souped-up special effects and about 4m. of new footage. Panavision.
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Mark Hamill Mark Hamill as:
Luke Skywalker
Harrison Ford Harrison Ford as:
Han Solo
Carrie Fisher Carrie Fisher as:
Princess Leia Organa
Peter Cushing as:
Grand Moff Tarkin
Alec Guinness Alec Guinness as:
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Anthony Daniels as:
James Earl Jones James Earl Jones as:
Darth Vader (Voice)
Kenny Baker as:
David Prowse as:
Darth Vader