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Say Anything
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
4.5 Stars
Say Anything Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1989 Category: Romance
Director: Cameron Crowe Time: 100 min. Writer: Cameron Crowe

Mine: Maybe the best teen romance movie of all time. Great writing. Have seen it a dozen times and I still cry at a couple of moments. John Cusak rules!
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Satisfying teenage comedy-drama about a self-assured loner who goes after the Class Brain, and finds her surprisingly human. Amusing, endearing, and refreshingly original; written by first-time director Crowe. Cusack's real-life sister Joan plays his sister here, and Lois Chiles has a cameo as Skye's mother; both appear unbilled.
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John Cusack John Cusack as:
Lloyd Dobler
Joan Cusack Joan Cusack as:
Lloyd Sister
Ione Skye as:
Diane Court
John Mahoney John Mahoney as:
James Court
Lili Taylor Lili Taylor as:
Corey Flood
Jeremy Piven Jeremy Piven as:
Amy Brooks as:
Pamela Segall as:
Philip Baker Hall Philip Baker Hall as:
IRS Agent
Bebe Neuwirth Bebe Neuwirth as:
Mrs. Evans