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Running Scared
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Running Scared Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: R Year: 1986 Category: Comedy Action
Director: Peter Hyams Time: 107 min. Writer: Gary Devore & Jimmy Huston

Mine: Fun movie. I wish that Hines would make more movies, he is fun to watch.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Two longtime Chicago street cops (who act more like Dead End Kids) decide maybe it's time to retire--but there's one more scuzzbag to track down first. Crystal lights up the screen, and there's a great car chase on the Chicago El tracks, but otherwise this is pretty blah. Panavision.
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Gregory Hines Gregory Hines as:
Ray Hughes
Billy Crystal Billy Crystal as:
Danny Costanzo
Steven Bauer as:
Dan Hedaya Dan Hedaya as:
Apt. Logan
Jimmy Smits Jimmy Smits as:
Julio Gonzales
Tracy Reed as:
Joe Pantoliano Joe Pantoliano as:
Jon Gries Jon Gries as:
Pat Hingle Pat Hingle as:
Sgt. McClain