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The Rocketeer
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
The Rocketeer Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Trish
Rating: Year: 1991 Category: Action
Director: Joe Johnston Time: 108 min. Writer: Dave Stevens & Danny Bilson

Mine: A terrific adventure/romance. I have no idea why this was not a hugh hit. The entire cast it top notch. Fun story. Connelly is gorgeous! One strange note, why did the make an Erol Flynn prototype the villian? Flynn was accused of being a Nazi, with no evidence, here he is a Nazi.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Campbell plays a rough-and-ready 1930s pilot who stumbles onto a sought-after secret weapon: an air-pack that turns him into a rocket-man. Film captures the look of the 30s, as well as the gee-whiz innocence of Saturday matinee serials, but it's talky--and takes too much time to get where it's going. Dalton has fun as a villain patterned after Errol Flynn. Film buffs will get a kick out of the Rondo Hatton-esque bad guy (courtesy of makeup whiz Rick Baker). Panavision.
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Bill Campbell as:
Cliff Secord
Jennifer Connelly Jennifer Connelly as:
Jenny Blake
Alan Arkin Alan Arkin as:
Timothy Dalton Timothy Dalton as:
Neville Sinclair
Paul Sorvino Paul Sorvino as:
Eddie Valentine
Jon Polito Jon Polito as:
Eddie Jones as:
Ed Lauter as:
Clint Howard Clint Howard as:
Margo Martindale Margo Martindale as: