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Rob Roy
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
Rob Roy Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Kim Fair
Rating: R Year: 1995 Category: Drama
Director: Michael Caton-Jones Time: 139 min. Writer: Alan Sharp

Mine: Great adventure film. So much better than "Bravehart" out the same year with similar themes that wn best picture. Great perfomances. Jessica is a stand out, as is Roth. Amazing final sword fight.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Absorbing tale of Rob Roy MacGregor, a lowborn man of high ideals in early 1700s Scotland who refuses to sacrifice his integrity to save his skin--or his family's. Beautiful scenery and rugged action (including several sword fights) complement an intelligent script. Moves at a deliberate pace, but spins its tale quite nicely, with solid performances from Neeson and Lange, and a delicious, scene-stealing turn by Roth as a smarmy badguy. Never quite rousing but always entertaining. J-D-C Scope.
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Liam Neeson Liam Neeson as:
Jessica Lange Jessica Lange as:
Mary MacGregot
John Hurt John Hurt as:
Marquis of Montrose
Tim Roth Tim Roth as:
Archibald Cunningham
Eric Stoltz Eric Stoltz as:
Andrew Keir as:
Duke of Argyll
Brian Cox Brian Cox as:
Brian McCardie as:
Shirley Henderson Shirley Henderson as: