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Robin Hood: Prince of Theives
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Robin Hood: Prince of Theives Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Not sure. Greta or Trish?
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1991 Category: Action
Director: Kevin Reynolds Time: 143 min. Writer: Pen Densham & John Watson

Mine: Fun. Rickman is top notch. Morgan Freeman is good. Nice production values.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: A Robin Hood for the '90s, light years removed from the romantic vision of Errol Flynn... but this gritty, pumped-up version can stand on its own, if you're willing to stick with it through a lumpy first hour, and can accept a very American Costner in the lead. Rough, tough, and rousing at times, with Rickman's off-the-wall approach to the Sheriff of Nottingham a real surprise.
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Kevin Costner Kevin Costner as:
Robin of Locksley
Morgan Freeman Morgan Freeman as:
Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio as:
Christian Slater Christian Slater as:
Will Scarlett
Alan Rickman Alan Rickman as:
Sheriff of Nottingham
Brian Blessed Brian Blessed as:
Lord Locksley
Geraldine McEwan as:
Nick Brimble as:
Little John