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Risky Business
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2 Stars
Risky Business Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Peter L.
Rating: R Year: 1983 Category: Comedy
Director: Paul Brickman Time: 98 min. Writer: Paul Brickman

Mine: Some fun scenes, but this is as good as your appreciation of Cruise. Personally he anoyes me and so so does the film.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Piquant, original comedy about a reticent teenager who goes a bit wild while his parents are out of town, and becomes involved--in more ways than one--with a prostitute. Brickman's darkly satiric script is balanced by Cruise's utterly likable (and believable) performance in the lead.
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Tom Cruise Tom Cruise as:
Joel Goodson
Rebecca De Mornay Rebecca De Mornay as:
Joe Pantoliano Joe Pantoliano as:
Richard Masur as:
Mr. Rutherfod
Bronson Pinchot Bronson Pinchot as:
Curtis Armstrong Curtis Armstrong as:
Nicholas Pryor as:
Joel's Father
Janet Carroll as:
Joel's Mother