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Regarding Henry
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Regarding Henry Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Trish, Neil at Showcase Orange
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1991 Category: Drama
Director: Mike Nichols Time: 107 min. Writer: Jeffrey Abrams

Mine: Likeable, but slight. Made me cry, but that is no great feat in a movie. Leads are very winning.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: High-powered lawyer suffers brain injury and has to start his life all over again--learning to walk, talk, and ultimately, return to his family and job. Potentially interesting story is given polished presentation, but is so placid, and so unrealistic--even trivializing the recovery process--it never achieves any emotional impact.
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Harrison Ford Harrison Ford as:
Henry Turner
Annette Bening Annette Bening as:
Sarah Turner
R.M. Haley as:
Court Clerk
Stanley Swerdlow as:
Mr. Matthews
Julie Follansbhee as:
Mrs. Matthews
Rebecca Miller as:
Bruce Altman Bruce Altman as:
Donald Moffat as:
Bill Nunn Bill Nunn as:
James Rebhorn James Rebhorn as:
Dr. Sultan
John Leguizamo John Leguizamo as:
Liquor Store Gunman