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Real Genius
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
Real Genius Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: Year: 1985 Category: Comedy
Director: Martha Coolidge Time: 106 min. Writer: Neal Isreal & pat Proft

Mine: I really liked this. Sure it may be because I am a geek and it is a movie about geeks, but I liked the quirky kind of attiude the it has. Some nice supporting character ( The guy who lives in closet and the hyper active co-ed) add to the mix.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Idealistic whiz-kid is recruited by self-styled genius (Atherton) to join his college think tank--only to find that its members are being exploited, co-opted, and generally burned out. Potentially clever satire turns into just another youth/revenge comedy with caricatures instead of characters. Panavision.
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William Atherton William Atherton as:
Prof. Jerry Hathaway
Gabriel Jarret as:
Mitch Taylor
Val Kilmer Val Kilmer as:
Chris Knight
Tommy Swerdlow as:
Deborah Foreman as:
Susan Decker
Dean Devlin as:
Yuji Okumoto as:
John Sheperd Reid as:
Jon Gries Jon Gries as:
Lazlo Hollyfeld