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The Phantom
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
The Phantom Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On Video Saw at/with:
Rating: PG Year: 1996 Category: Action
Director: Simon Wencer Time: 100 min. Writer: Lee Falk & Jeffrey Boam

Mine: No body is going to mistake this for a great movie, but it is fun. Nice period look and feel. Billy Zane does a good job. Or maybe I just like the genre! A hell of a lot better than any of the "Batman" movies!
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Lead-footed emulation of Saturday matinee serials, using Lee Falk's masked comic-strip hero (``the ghost who walks''), who starred in a bona fide serial in 1943. Here, his longtime attempt to vanquish a society of evil puts him face-to-face with megalomaniac Xander Drax (a campy Williams). Well-meaning INDIANA JONES wannabe has no energy and offers large-scale stunts without knowing how to stage them! Panavision.
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Billy Zane Billy Zane as:
The Phantom/Kit Walker
Kristy Swanson as:
Diana Palmer
Treat Williams Treat Williams as:
Xander Drax
Catherine Zeta-Jones Catherine Zeta-Jones as:
James Remar James Remar as:
Casey Siemaszko Casey Siemaszko as:
Samantha Eggar as:
Lily Palmer
Bill Smitrovich Bill Smitrovich as:
Uncle Dave