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The Pelican Brief
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
The Pelican Brief Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Don't Remember
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1993 Category: Thriller
Director: Alan J. Pakula Time: 141 min. Writer: John Grisham & Alan J. Pakula

Mine: Kind of fun, but nothing special. Thank god they have some great actors here ot this would have been really dull. Denzel brings energy that the movie really needs. Julia is non-offensive, but also not compelling. -- Better on subsequent viewings.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Entertaining thriller based on John Grisham's best-selling book about a law student whose theory (or brief) about the conspiracy behind the assassination of two Supreme Court justices places her in jeopardy. The only person who can help her: investigative reporter Washington. Well cast (with Julia a perfect pick for the lead) and well crafted, though the suspense starts to peter out toward the finish. Panavision.
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Julia Roberts Julia Roberts as:
Darby Shaw
Denzel Washington Denzel Washington as:
Gray Grantham
Sam Shepard Sam Shepard as:
Thomas Callahan
John Heard John Heard as:
Gavvin Verheek
William Atherton William Atherton as:
Bob Gminski
Robert Culp as:
Stanley Tucci Stanley Tucci as:
John Lithgow John Lithgow as:
Smith Keen
John Finn as:
Matthew barr
Tony Goldwyn Tony Goldwyn as:
Fletcher Coal