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The Paper
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
The Paper Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Don't Remember
Rating: R Year: 1994 Category: Comedy
Director: Ron Howard Time: 112 min. Writer: David and Stphen Keopp

Mine: Great energy. Fine ensemble cast. Quite funny. God stuff.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Twenty-four hours in the life of a N. Y. newspaper and its harried editors, who are trying to manage their troubled private lives against the unyielding demands of a deadline (and a few small questions about ethics). Over-the-top, far-fetched, downright silly at times, but so adrenalized--barely stopping to take a breath--that it's fun to watch just the same. Many N. Y. journalists appear in cameo roles. Music by Randy Newman.
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Michael Keaton Michael Keaton as:
Henry Hackett
Robert Duvall Robert Duvall as:
Bernie White
Glenn Close Glenn Close as:
Alicia Clark
Marisa Tomei Marisa Tomei as:
Martha Hackett
Randy Quaid Randy Quaid as:
Jason Robards Jason Robards as:
Graham Keighley
Jason Alexander Jason Alexander as:
Marion Sandsuky
Spalding Gray as:
Paul Bladden
Catherine O'Hara Catherine O'Hara as:
Lynne Thigpen Lynne Thigpen as:
Janet, Henry's Secretary
Bruce Altman Bruce Altman as:
Clint Howard Clint Howard as:
Ray Blaisch
Siobhan Fallon Siobhan Fallon as: