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Outrageous Fortune
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2 Stars
Outrageous Fortune Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: R Year: 1987 Category: Comedy
Director: Arthur Hiller Time: 100 min. Writer: Leslie Dixon

Mine: Midler is a great comic actress, but here she had nothing to work with. Long is never any good. Boring.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Raucously funny tale of a female odd couple who learn they were both having a fling with the same man, after he apparently dies in a mysterious explosion... then things really get going! Bright script by Leslie Dixon is a perfect showcase for Midler and Long.
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Shelley Long as:
Bette Midler Bette Midler as:
Peter Coyote Peter Coyote as:
Robert Prosky as:
Stanislav Korzenowski
John Schuck as:
George Carlin George Carlin as:
Frank Madras
Anthony Heald as:
Florence Stanley as:
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