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Animal House
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Animal House Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with:
Rating: R Year: 1978 Category: Comedy
Director: John Landis Time: 109 min. Writer: Douglas Kenney & Harold Ramis

Mine: Hard to view is as a movie and not a milestone. Lots of very funny stuff. A classic.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Spoof of early 1960s college life is only sporadically funny, depends largely on Belushi's mugging as frat-house animal. Not nearly as roisterous or amusing as any issue of the Lampoon, but it became a tremendous hit--and spawned a number of truly terrible imitations--as well as a short-lived TV series, Delta House.
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John Belushi John Belushi as:
Bluto Blutarsky
Tim Matheson Tim Matheson as:
Otter Stratton
John Vernon as:
Dean Wormer
Tom Hulce Tom Hulce as:
Pinto Kroger
Stephen Furst as:
Flounder Dorfman
Karen Allen Karen Allen as:
Bruce McGill Bruce McGill as:
Mary Louise Weller as:
Mandy Pepperidge
Peter Riegert Peter Riegert as:
Donald Schoensteint