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Much Ado About Nothing
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
4 Stars
Much Ado About Nothing Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: with Judy Lenzi-Magoveny and others at York Square
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1993 Category: Romance Comedy
Director: Kenneth Branagh Time: 111 min. Writer: William Shakespeare & Kenneth Branagn

Mine: It's just so much fun to watch . Great cast. Great pacing. Beautiful to look at.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Shakespeare's comedy of the wooing of Benedick (played by actor-director-screenwriter Branagh) and Beatrice (his then wife, Thompson) is set and shot entirely in and around an Italian villa in Tuscany and features a top-notch supporting cast. The film is rowdy, high spirited, and remarkably fast paced; this exhilaration brings vigor to the Bard's text, though the poetry sometimes gets lost in the shenanigans. Branagh does impressive job, but cannot match earlier Shakespearean effort, HENRY V (1989).
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Kate Beckinsale Kate Beckinsale as:
Brian Blessed Brian Blessed as:
Seg. Antonio
Emma Thompson Emma Thompson as:
Denzel Washington Denzel Washington as:
Don Pedro
Keanu Reeves Keanu Reeves as:
Don John
Kenneth Branagh Kenneth Branagh as:
Michael Keaton Michael Keaton as:
Robert Sean Leonard as:
Imelda Staunton Imelda Staunton as:
Richard Clifford Richard Clifford as: