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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
4 Stars
Moonstruck Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: PG Year: 1987 Category: Romance Comedy
Director: Norman Jewison Time: 102 min. Writer: John Patrick Shanley

Mine: A wonderful movie in many ways. Quite funny, very insightful, touching and the acting is top notch. Wonderful view of NYC as well. Cher is a good actress, who knew!
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: A gem of a movie that unfolds like a good play, without ever seeming static or stagy. Cher plays an independent young widow who agrees to marry an older man (Aiello) --and then finds herself inexorably drawn to his misfit younger brother (Cage). John Patrick Shanley's script is brimming with wonderful vignettes and acute observations about Italian-American families. Cher, Dukakis (terrific as the mother), and Shanley won Oscars for their work.
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 Cher Cher as:
Loretta Catorini
Nicolas Cage Nicolas Cage as:
Ronny Commareri
Vincent Gardenia as:
Cosmo Castorini
Olympia Dukakis Olympia Dukakis as:
Rose Castorini
Danny Aiello Danny Aiello as:
Johnny Commerari
Julie Bovasso as:
Rita Cappomaggi
John Mahoney John Mahoney as:
Louis Chaliapin Jr. as:
Raymond Cappomaggi