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Mission Impossible
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2 Stars
Mission Impossible Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Showcase North Haven
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1996 Category: Thriller Action
Director: Brian De Palma Time: 110 min. Writer: David Koepp & Steven Zaillian

Mine: Really stupid, and takes its self way too seriously. Badley written. Preposterous ideas. Badley acted. Yuck!
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Slick update of the vintage TV spy series about a crack undercover unit is full of high-tech hijinks, as ``team leader'' Cruise tries to learn what went wrong on a crucial mission in Prague--and discover who set them up. Energy wanes at several junctions, only to be revved up again for a train-and-helicopter chase finale. Lalo Schifrin's memorable TV theme is reused here, at a much higher decibel level. Cruise coexecutive-produced. Emilio Estevez appears unbilled. Panavision.
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Tom Cruise Tom Cruise as:
Ethan Hunt
Jon Voight Jon Voight as:
Jim Phelps
Emmanuelle Beart as:
Claire Phelps
Henry Czerny as:
Eugene Kittridge
Jean Reno Jean Reno as:
Franz Krieger
Ving Rhames Ving Rhames as:
Luther Stickell
Kristin Scott Thomas Kristin Scott Thomas as:
Sarah Davies
Vanessa Redgrave Vanessa Redgrave as: