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Micki and Maude
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Micki and Maude Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with:
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1984 Category: Comedy
Director: Blake Edwards Time: 118 min. Writer: Jonathan Reynolds

Mine: It takes too long to get there but the finale is one of the funniest sequences I have ever scene. Moore's comic talents are put to perfect use. It helps that Reinking and Irving are both gorgeous! That said the basic premiss is kind of distasteful.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Dudley has a wife and a girlfriend--and they're both pregnant! Surprisingly warmhearted comedy that turns into old-fashioned farce. Runs out of steam somewhere along the line but benefits from winning performances by all three leads. Panavision.
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Dudley Moore Dudley Moore as:
Rob Salinger
Amy Irving Amy Irving as:
Maude Salinger
Ann Reinking as:
Micki Salinger
Richard Mulligan as:
Leo Brody
George Gaynes as:
Dr. Glztszki
Wallace Shawn Wallace Shawn as:
Dr. Fibel
John Pleshette as:
Hap Lodlow
H. B. Haggerty as:
Markhas Guillory