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Manon of the Spring
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
4 Stars
Manon of the Spring Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica at York Square
Rating: PG Year: 1987 Category: Drama
Director: Claude Berri Time: 113 min. Writer: Claude Berri

Mine: Great story telling on a grand scale. Yves Montand is just terrific. It takes a while to get to the conclusion, across two movies, but it is worth it.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: onclusion of the story begun in JEAN DE FLORETTE resumes with Manon, now a beautiful, free-spirited young shepherdess, learning the truth behind her father's death, and plotting her revenge on the pathetic Auteuil and the scheming Montand. Berri spins his story slowly, deliberately, savoring every moment leading to the unexpected conclusion. Only thing missing in this second half is the strong presence of GĂ©rard Depardieu. Technovision.
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Yves Montand as:
Cesar Soubeyran
Daniel Auteuil as:
Emmanuelle Beart as:
Andre Dupon as:
Armand Meffre as:
Pierre Nougaro as:
Elizabeth Depardieu as:
Aimee Cadoret
Ticky Holgado as:
Le Specailiste