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Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2 Stars
Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Dave, Hope and Paul at Milford Post Showcase
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1985 Category: Sci-Fi
Director: George Miller Time: 107 min. Writer: Terry Hayes & George Miller

Mine: Kind of disjointed. Never builds much drama. Some good scenes, but never comes together.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: In the desolate future Mad Max comes upon Turner's cutthroat city of Bartertown, survives a battle-to-the-death in Roman-style Thunderdome arena, and is exiled to the desert, where he's rescued by tribe of wild children. Thunderous film has lots of action and stunts, and even some philosophical moments, but lacks the kinetic energy of THE ROAD WARRIOR (MAD MAX 2). Panavision.
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Mel Gibson Mel Gibson as:
Mad Max
Bruce Spence as:
Adam Cockburn as:
Jedidiah Jr.
Tina Turner as:
Auney Entity
Frank Thring as:
The Collector
Angelo Rossitto as:
The Master
Paul Larsson as:
The Blaster
Angry Anderson as:
Robert Grubb as:
George Spartels as:
Edwin Hodgeman as:
Dr. Dealgood
Bob Hornery as: