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Little Women
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Little Women Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: in Chicago with Anne and Jean
Rating: PG Year: 1994 Category: Drama
Director: Gillian Armstong Time: 115 min. Writer: Robin Swicord

Mine: Beautifully done. I must admit that I have never read the book, but this was a really good film. The entire cast is wonderful, many standouts.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Exquisite rendering of Louisa May Alcott's Civil War-era classic about four devoted sisters who eventually have to leave their New England nest. A perfect cast is led by Ryder as the headstrong Jo, with Sarandon as that tower of strength, Marmee. Not a false moment or false move in the entire film, though purists may object to Marmee mouthing 1990s-style feminist doctrine. Veteran character actress Wickes threatens to steal every scene she's in, as crotchety Aunt March. Screenplay by Robin Swicord.
User Reviews:
Leigh's rating:
4 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
One of my favorite books since the 4th grade. Story is wonderful. The movie is gorgeous with a great cast -- it's interesting to compare this version of the film with the two others that I know of -- one with Elizabeth Taylor and another with Katherine Hepburn. I love them all, but this may very well be my favorite.
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Winona Ryder Winona Ryder as:
Jo March
Gabriel Byrne Gabriel Byrne as:
Griedrich Bhaer
Trini Alvarado as:
Meg March
Samantha Mathis Samantha Mathis as:
Older Amy March
Kirsten Dunst Kirsten Dunst as:
Younger Amy March
Claire Danes Claire Danes as:
Beth March
Christian Bale Christian Bale as:
Eric Stoltz Eric Stoltz as:
John Brooke
Susan Sarandon Susan Sarandon as:
Marmee March
Donal Logue Donal Logue as:
Jaboc Mayer