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The Lion King
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
The Lion King Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On Video Saw at/with: At the Collingwood/Kellys House
Rating: G Year: 1994 Category: Drama Children Musical
Director: Rober Allers Time: 89 min. Writer: Jim Copabiaco & Irene Mecchi

Mine: One of the best of the recent Disney hits. A Hamlet like story. Some really good supporting characters. Good music. A cut above.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: A lion cub raised to take his father's place someday as king of the jungle is sabotaged by his evil uncle--and lives in exile until he realizes his rightful place in the circle of life. With distant echoes of BAMBI, this entertaining Disney cartoon feature (highlighted by Oscar-winning Elton John-Tim Rice songs and Oscar-winning music score by Hans Zimmer) has dazzling scenics, some show-stopping animation, and outstanding voice work--but drama so intense (and comedy so hip) it's not really for very young viewers. Followed by animated TV series, a direct-to-video sequel THE LION KING: SIMBA'S PRIDE and a Broadway musical.
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Rowan Atkinson Rowan Atkinson as:
Matthew Broderick Matthew Broderick as:
Adult Simba
Whoopi Goldberg Whoopi Goldberg as:
Robert Guillaume Robert Guillaume as:
Nathan Lane Nathan Lane as:
James Earl Jones James Earl Jones as:
Cheech Marin Cheech Marin as:
Jeremy Irons Jeremy Irons as:
Moira Kelly as: