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Last Action Hero
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
Last Action Hero Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Adam Brusic
Rating: R Year: 1993 Category: Comedy Action
Director: John McTiernan Time: 130 min. Writer: Zak Penn & Adam Leff

Mine: One of the worst movies ever made. Neat idea, but is stops there. WAY too long for a one gag kind of movie. Terrible stuff
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Noisy, smug, self-conscious blockbuster-wannabe about a boy whose ``magic ticket'' transports him into an action movie alongside his No. 1 hero, Jack Slater (Schwarzenegger). Genuinely bad writing and an overall air of unpleasantness torpedo this film; good action scenes and occasional clever ideas can't save it. (And how exactly did an Ingmar Bergman picture work its way into the story?) A raft of cameo appearances add to the in-joke tone of the picture. Panavision.
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Arnold Schwarzenegger Arnold Schwarzenegger as:
Jack Slater
F. Murray Abraham F. Murray Abraham as:
John Practice
Art Carney as:
Anthony Quinn Anthony Quinn as:
Tony Vivaldi
Mercedes Ruehl as:
Ian McKellen Ian McKellen as:
Joan Plowright Joan Plowright as:
Noah Emmerich Noah Emmerich as:
Charles Dance Charles Dance as: