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Joe Versus the Volcano
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Joe Versus the Volcano Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: PG Year: 1990 Category: Romance Comedy
Director: John Patrick Shanley Time: 97 min. Writer: John Patrick Shanley

Mine: I really wanted to like this movie. The cast is supurb. The idea is good. John Patrkick Shanley had done "Moonstruck". BUT although it has some good moments it just does not hold together.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Pleasant if pointless fable about a stressed-out nerd who learns he has six months to live, and accepts an eccentric millionaire's offer to enable him to live like a king--so long as he jumps into a volcano at the end of his ``vacation. '' Unfortunately, the story also takes a dive. Writer Shanley's directorial debut turns out to be a shaggy-dog story that doesn't pay off. However, it is fun watching Ryan play three distinctively different women... and remember, luggage is everything. Panavision.
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Tom Hanks Tom Hanks as:
Joe Blanks
Meg Ryan Meg Ryan as:
Lloyd Bridges Lloyd Bridges as:
Samuel Graynamore
Robert Stack as:
Dr. Ellison
Abe Vigoda as:
Waponis Chief
Dan Hedaya Dan Hedaya as:
Mr. Frank Watori
Barry McGovern as:
Luggage Salesman
Amanda Plummer Amanda Plummer as:
Janye Haynes as: