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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
Jaws Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with:
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1975 Category: Thriller
Director: Steven Spielberg Time: 124 min. Writer: Peter Benchley & Carl Gottlieb

Mine: The original modern thriller.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: A rare case of a bubble-gum story (by Peter Benchley) scoring as a terrific movie. The story: New England shore community is terrorized by shark attacks; local cop (Scheider), icthyologist (Dreyfuss) and salty shark expert (Shaw) determine to kill the attacker. Hold on to your seats! Screenplay by Benchley and Gottlieb. Three Oscars include John Williams' now-classic score, Verna Fields' sensational editing. Benchley has cameo as reporter on beach. Followed by three sequels. Panavision.
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Roy Scheider Roy Scheider as:
Martin Brody
Robert Shaw as:
Richard Dreyfuss Richard Dreyfuss as:
Matt Hooper
Lorraine Gary as:
Ellen Brody
Murray Hamilton as:
Larry Vaughn
Carl Gottlieb as:
Jeffrey Kramer as:
Susan Backlinie as:
Chrissie Watkins