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In the Line of Fire
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
In the Line of Fire Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Don't Remember
Rating: R Year: 1993 Category: Thriller
Director: Wolfgang Petersen Time: 128 min. Writer: Jeff Maguire

Mine: These kind of movies often are as good as the villain. Here John is great as the assassin. It is always fun to see how Clint gets his love of jazz into the movies he is in, well done here. Good story well told by an appealing cast.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Crackling, well-made thriller about a would-be presidential assassin who pulls Secret Service agent Eastwood--who failed to protect President Kennedy in 1963--into a cruel game of cat-and-mouse as he plans to murder the current president. Eastwood, as an older, vulnerable, piano-playing loner, has never been better, and Malkovich matches him as the superintelligent loony. Steve Railsback appears unbilled. Written by Jeff Maguire. Panavision.
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Clint Eastwood Clint Eastwood as:
Frank Horrigan
John Malkovich John Malkovich as:
Mitch Leary
Rene Russo Rene Russo as:
Lilly Raines
Dylan McDermott Dylan McDermott as:
Al D\'Andrea
John Mahoney John Mahoney as:
Sam Campagna
Fred Dalton Thompson as:
Harry Sargent
Jim Curley as:
Sally Hughes as:
First Lady