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Indian in the Cupboard
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
Indian in the Cupboard Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On Video Saw at/with: With Kim
Rating: PG Year: 1995 Category: Children Action
Director: Frank Oz Time: 96 min. Writer: Lynne Reid Banks & Melissa Mathison

Mine: Very well told childrens story that will hold adults attention as well. Original. Moving. Very well acted. A must of parents to watch with their kids.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: A boy (Scardino) receives an old cupboard as a birthday present, and finds that when he puts a plastic Indian inside and turns the key, the Indian comes to life. Then he learns that the Indian is not a toy, but a real person, and complications ensue--especially when his best friend conjures up a real-life cowboy. First-rate adaptation of Lynne Reid Banks' popular children's book, scripted by Melissa Mathison (of E. T. fame); full of wonder and simple wisdom... if a few too many giant closeups of the boy's face.
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Hal Scardino as:
Litefoot as:
Little Bear
Lindsay Crouse as:
Richard Jenkins Richard Jenkins as:
Rishi Bhat as:
Steve Coogan Steve Coogan as:
Rommy Atkins
David Keith David Keith as:
Boo-hoo Boone
Vincent Kartheiser as:
Nestor Serrano Nestor Serrano as: