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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
In Country Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: R Year: 1989 Category: Drama
Director: Norman Jewison Time: 120 min. Writer: Cynthia Cidre & Frank Pierson

Mine: Nicley acted piece. First time I realized that Bruce Willis could act. I was sure that Emily Lloyd would be a star after I saw this, but she dissapeared!
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Disappointing, poorly executed film of Vietnam vet Willis and niece Lloyd, two Kentuckians trying to come to terms with the war. Willis is good as a cynical, shell-shocked recluse, but script, from Bobbie Ann Mason's acclaimed novel, is flawed: character relationships are uneven, and too many questions are left unanswered (like Willis' medical condition). Beautifully handled concluding scenes, leading up to Washington, D. C. , Veterans Memorial visit, can't redeem film.
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Emily Lloyd Emily Lloyd as:
Samantha Hughes
Bruce Willis Bruce Willis as:
Emmett Smith
Joan Allen Joan Allen as:
Kevin Anderson as:
John Terry as:
Jim Beaver as:
Earl Smith
Judith Ivey Judith Ivey as:
Dan Jenkins as: