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The Hunt for Red October
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
The Hunt for Red October Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica, Greta and Trish at Showcase Orange
Rating: PG Year: 1990 Category: Action
Director: John McTiernan Time: 134 min. Writer: Larry Ferguson & Tom Clancy

Mine: One of the best cold war thrillers ever. Great cast and great writing.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Exciting, complex thriller from the best-seller by Tom Clancy. Connery stars as a Soviet submarine captain who may (or may not) be planning to defect to the U. S. during the maiden voyage of a supersecret nuclear sub; Baldwin is the American intelligence ace who tries to anticipate his every move. Long, potentially confusing at times, but always manages to make a course correction in the nick of time... and deliver another direct hit. Oscar winner for sound-effects editing. Followed by PATRIOT GAMES. Panavision.
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Sean Connery Sean Connery as:
Marko Ramius
Alec Baldwin Alec Baldwin as:
Jack Ryan
Scott Glenn Scott Glenn as:
Bar Mancuso
Sam Neill Sam Neill as:
Valisi Borodin
James Earl Jones James Earl Jones as:
James Greer
Tim Curry Tim Curry as:
Dr. Petrov
Jeffrey Jones Jeffrey Jones as:
Skip Tyler
Stellan Skarsgard Stellan Skarsgard as:
Capt. Tupolev
Courtney B. Vance Courtney B. Vance as:
Seaman Jones