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The Hunchback of Notre Dame
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
The Hunchback of Notre Dame Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Kim and kids at Saybrook Cinema's
Rating: G Year: 1995 Category: Drama Children
Director: Gary Trousdale Time: 90 min. Writer: Irene Mecchi

Mine: Visually startling. Some stuff younger kinds will not understand. The comedy relief does not work very well.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Intensely dramatic, involving story about the pathetic, put-upon Quasimodo, his evil guardian Frollo, and the one person who shows him kindness, the gypsy Esmeralda. Disney's all-time strangest choice for an animated feature turns out surprisingly well: handsomely designed, dynamically staged, with songs that (if unmemorable) work within the fabric of the story; comic relief, however, involving Quasi's three gargoyle friends, seems contrived and out of place.
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Tom Hulce Tom Hulce as:
Demi Moore Demi Moore as:
Tony Jay as:
Claude Frollo
Kevin Kline Kevin Kline as:
Captain Phoebus
Jason Alexander Jason Alexander as:
Charles Kimbrough as:
David Ogden Stiers David Ogden Stiers as:
The Archdeacon
Mary Wickes as: