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Home Alone
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Home Alone Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: with Jessica?
Rating: NR Year: 1990 Category: Comedy
Director: Chris Columbus Time: 105 min. Writer: John Hughes

Mine: Fun and some what touching comedy. Pesci and Stern are quite amusing. Good but not great.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Wildly successful comedy about an eight-year-old boy whose family inadvertently leaves him behind when they go to Paris for Christmas vacation. The plucky kid then proceeds to fend off two bumbling burglars with a variety of elaborate booby-traps. Culkin is terrific, but the film has its ups and downs; the violence, even for a cartoonish farce, is a bit extreme. Climactic scene with forbidding neighbor Blossom is certainly the film's high point. Macaulay's brother Kieran plays his cousin Fuller. Followed by two sequels.
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Macaulay Culkin Macaulay Culkin as:
Kevin McCallister
Joe Pesci Joe Pesci as:
Daniel Stern Daniel Stern as:
John Heard John Heard as:
Peter McCallister
Catherine O'Hara Catherine O'Hara as:
Kate McCallister
Angela Goethals as:
Linnie McCallister
Devin Bamman as:
Frank McCallister
Terrie Snell as:
Leslie MacCallister
Kieran Culkin Kieran Culkin as:
Fuller McCallister
Hope Davis Hope Davis as:
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