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High Road to China
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
1.5 Stars
High Road to China Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Don't Remember
Rating: PG Year: 1983 Category: Action
Director: Brian G. Hutton Time: 105 min. Writer:

Mine: Tries to be Indiana Jones, but Selleck is no Harrison. Not much here to recommend.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Low road to escapism, with Selleck (in his first starring feature) as a boozy ex-WW1 aerial ace hired by heiress Armstrong to find her father. Strictly mediocre, with substandard action scenes, and the flattest dialogue this side of the Great Wall.
User Reviews:
Dennis's rating:
3.5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
High Road to China is a fine Adventure Movie as long as it is not taken too seriously, Tom Selleck (i.e. Magnum P.I. star) And Bess Armstrong play well together set in Post WW-1 era. This is a story surrounded by incredible secenery and some fantastic areial Shots. It is well worth having in one collection if you are in the mood for a light hearted adventure movie. I Have it in my collection, Mostly since I am a (MAJOR) Tom Selleck fan. And found Mrs Armstrong a great supporting actress for this movie. Compared to other movies that have come out since then, This movie most certainly wains in comparison, BUT for it's time and era, it is a good movie with some very nice music set to it.
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Tom Selleck Tom Selleck as:
Bess Armstrong Bess Armstrong as:
Eve Tozer
Jack Weston as:
Wilford Brimley as:
Bradley Tozer
Robert Morley as:
Brian Blessed Brian Blessed as:
Suleman Khan
Cassandra Gava as:
Michael Sheard as:
Charlie Shane