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Grumpy Old Men
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Grumpy Old Men Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Showcase North Haven
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1993 Category: Comedy
Director: Donald Petrie Time: 103 min. Writer: Mark Steven Johnson

Mine: Notable for the performances. All the leads are terrific. Ann-Margaret is beautiful. The guys are funny as ever.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Engagingly performed but malnourished comedy about two mateless Minnesota retirees, rabid ice-fishermen, whose lifelong feud escalates when an attractive widow moves in across the street. Walter and Jack are fun as usual, but a few too many plot threads get wrapped up in the final 15 minutes. Compensations are a funny end-credit sequence and the singular chance to hear Meredith (as Lemmon's father) make endless salacious wordplays on the male organ of love. Followed by a sequel.
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Jack Lemmon Jack Lemmon as:
John Gustafson
Walter Matthau Walter Matthau as:
Max Goldman
 Ann-Margret Ann-Margret as:
Ariel Truax
Burgess Meredith as:
Grandpa Gustafson
Daryl Hannah Daryl Hannah as:
Kevin Pollak Kevin Pollak as:
Jacob Goldman
Ossie Davis as:
Buck Henry as:
John Carroll Lynch John Carroll Lynch as:
Moving Man
Christopher McDonald Christopher McDonald as: