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Groundhog Day
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Groundhog Day Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On Video Saw at/with:
Rating: PG Year: 1993 Category: Romance Comedy
Director: Harold Ramis Time: 101 min. Writer: Danny Rubin

Mine: Murray is very good. I can not understand why people instist on casting Andie in movies, she is OK to look at, but can't act even a little bit. Clever idea, done well.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Smug TV weatherman goes to Punxsutawney, Pa. , to cover the Groundhog Day ceremony, and finds himself trapped in a daily replay of the same 24 hours. Clever comedy-fantasy keeps coming up with new twists and turns, even when you're sure there's nowhere else it can go. An ideal vehicle for Murray with many funny moments. Director-cowriter Ramis has a brief scene as a local neurologist.
User Reviews:
Tony's rating:
4.5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
I'm embarressed to say that this is one of my all time favourite films. Is it silly - yes, but Bill Murry plays it pretty straight and tries all the things anyone would, in the same situation. Its not Art, but it is fun.
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Bill Murray Bill Murray as:
Phil Conners
Andie MacDowell Andie MacDowell as:
Chris Elliott as:
Stephen Tobolowsky Stephen Tobolowsky as:
Ned Reyerson
Brian Doyle-Murray Brian Doyle-Murray as:
Marita Geraghty as:
Angela Paton as:
Mrs. Lancaster
Rick Ducommun as:
Harold Ramis Harold Ramis as:
Michael Shannon Michael Shannon as: