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Green Card
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
Green Card Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with:
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1991 Category: Romance Comedy
Director: Peter Weir Time: 103 min. Writer: Peter Weir

Mine: What terrible stuff. Ande McDowell is quite possibly the worst succesful actress in Hollywood. Depardieu is a great actor in French, but makes terrible english lanuage stuff. This is very disagreable stuff. I cringed through the whole thing. The problem is that these characters are never likeable. The dialog is dull.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Young woman agrees to marry Frenchman--in name only--so he may legally remain in this country... but when Immigration authorities begin to investigate, she's forced to spend time with the man. Thin, scarcely credible romantic comedy, written by the director; worth watching for Depardieu, who's charming in English-language debut.
User Reviews:
Lavina F. Hillman's rating:
None Given
(out of 5 stars)
I believe Gerard carried the entire movie. Andie McDowell is booooooring. Her voice is to montotone and she can't act worth beans. She must have paid her agent a great deal of money to get the part. By the way does she and her two othersisters happen to own the three sisters restaurant in Seattle. Just curious.
Lavina F. Hillman's rating:
None Given
(out of 5 stars)
Sorry I forgot to put this in my previous message. But, it appears that Mrs. McDowell was pregnant in the movie. I have watched this movie many times only because of Gerard, the apartment and the music but she appears to be wearing smocks.
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Gerard Depardieu Gerard Depardieu as:
Andie MacDowell Andie MacDowell as:
Bebe Neuwirth Bebe Neuwirth as:
Gregg Edelman as:
Robert Prosky as:
Bronte's Lawyer
Jessie Keosian as:
Mrs. Bird
Ethan Phillips as:
Lois Smith Lois Smith as:
Bronte's Mother