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The Gods Must be Crazy
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
The Gods Must be Crazy Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: York Square
Rating: PG Year: 1984 Category: Comedy
Director: Jamie Uys Time: 109 min. Writer: Jamie Uyx

Mine: Some very funny slapstick comedy but ultimatly falls flat. Not enough energy maybe, or the characters are not interesting enough.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Highly original, offbeat comedy about cultural clashes in Africa, involving a bushman who encounters civilization for the first time, a pretty schoolteacher whose new assignment is a remote village, and a bumbling scientist whose attempts to make her welcome result in slapstick catastrophes. Film itself is clumsy at times, but completely disarming. It didn't receive major U. S. release until 1984, but then became the biggest foreign box-office hit in history! Uys, who also wrote and produced, plays the reverend. Followed by a sequel. Panavision.
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Marius Meyers as:
Andrew Steyn
Sandra Prinsloo as:
Kate Thompson
N!xau as:
Louw Verwey as:
Sam Boga
Michael Thys as:
Nic De Jager as:
Jack Hind
Fanyana H. Sidumo as:
Card 1
Joe Seakatsie as:
Card 2