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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Gandhi Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: with Peter L.
Rating: PG" Year: 1982 Category: Drama
Director: Richard Attenborough Time: 188 min. Writer: John Briley

Mine: A great perfomance by Kinsley does not a compeling movie make. This is one of the Best Picture winners that get the award for managing huge crowds of extras (See also "Braveheart", "Gladiator"). Very little insight into the person of Gandhi. For and epoch with real insight see "Lawrence of Arabia". WAY too long.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Sweeping account of the life and times of Mohandas K. Gandhi, who rose from a position of simple lawyer to become a nation's leader and a worldwide symbol of peace and understanding. Storytelling at its best, in the tradition of great Hollywood epics, though film's second half is less riveting than the first. Kingsley gives an unforgettable performance in the lead. Eight Oscars include Best Picture, Actor, Director, Screenplay (John Briley). Look for Daniel Day-Lewis as one of three youths who accost Gandhi in the street. Panavision.
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Ben Kingsley Ben Kingsley as:
Mahatma Gandhi
Candice Bergen Candice Bergen as:
Margaret Bourke-White
Edward Fox Edward Fox as:
Gen. Dyer
John Gielgud John Gielgud as:
Lord Irwin
Trevor Howard Trevor Howard as:
Johdge Broomfiled
John Mills as:
The Viceroy
Athol Fugard as:
Gen. Jna Smuts
Martin Sheen Martin Sheen as:
Vince Walker
Daniel Day-Lewis Daniel Day-Lewis as: