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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Fletch Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Don't Remember
Rating: PG Year: 1985 Category: Comedy
Director: Michael Ritchie Time: 98 min. Writer: Andrew Berman

Mine: Chevy at his smarmyest, but it works with the character. Lots of great lines, a plot that is a bit muddled, but still lots of fun to watch
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Chase plays a smart-ass undercover reporter (with a penchant for disguises) who goes after major drug ring. Good mystery absolutely smothered in wisecracks, some funny, some tiresome; if you're not a fan of Chevy, stay clear! Watchable but never credible. Screenplay by Andrew Bergman from Gregory McDonald's novel. Followed by a sequel.
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Chevy Chase Chevy Chase as:
Joe Don Baker Joe Don Baker as:
Chief Karlin
Richard Libertini as:
"Frank" Walker
Tim Matheson Tim Matheson as:
Alan Stanwyk
M. Emmet Walsh M. Emmet Walsh as:
Dr. Dolan
George Wendt as:
Fat Sam
Geena Davis Geena Davis as:
William Traylor as:
Mr. Underhill