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The Firm
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
The Firm Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Don't Remember
Rating: R Year: 1993 Category: Drama
Director: Sydney Pollack Time: 154 min. Writer: John Grisham & David Rabe

Mine: I liked the book but this movie is no where near as good. The let Mitch stay a lawyer. They loose the enitre chase. Could have been much better.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Slick adaptation of John Grisham's best-seller about a Harvard law school grad who's wooed by a Memphis law firm and happily signs on, never suspecting the sinister truth behind its gracious facade. Good storytelling and good performances, but it goes on too long... and makes some unfortunate changes from Grisham's original. Still, it's attractive and entertaining. Paul Sorvino appears unbilled as a Mafioso.
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Tom Cruise Tom Cruise as:
Miech McDeere
Jeanne Tripplehorn as:
Abby McDeere
Gene Hackman Gene Hackman as:
Avery Tolar
Hal Holbrook Hal Holbrook as:
Oliver Lambert
Wilford Brimley as:
William Devasher
Holly Hunter Holly Hunter as:
Tammy Hemphill
David Strathairn David Strathairn as:
Ray McDeere
Gary Busey Gary Busey as:
Eddie Lomas
Ed Harris Ed Harris as:
Wayne Tarrance