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Falling Down
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Falling Down Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with:
Rating: R Year: 1993 Category: Drama Action Thriller
Director: Joel Schumacher Time: 113 min. Writer: Ebbe Roe Smith

Mine: Strange movie in the way that it manipulates the emotions of the audiance. It at the same time asks us to sympathise and hate the lead character. Douglas does a good job with the role. Ultimatly does not have much of a point, except maybe that life sucks, and that leaves you with a empty feeling.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Nerdy Douglas blows his cool one morning, abandons his car in freeway traffic, and starts wandering L. A. on an increasingly violent odyssey--while Duvall, his last day before retiring from the police force, sniffs him out. Dead-on portrait of a disenfranchised, modern-day American who goes off the deep end. It's vivid, it's credible, it's extremely well acted... but what exactly is the point? Panavision.
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Michael Douglas Michael Douglas as:
Willim Foster
Robert Duvall Robert Duvall as:
Barbara Hershey Barbara Hershey as:
Tuesday Weld as:
Amanda Prendergast
Rachel Ticotin Rachel Ticotin as:
Fredric Forrest Fredric Forrest as:
Surplus Store Owner
Lois Smith Lois Smith as:
D-Fen's Mother
Ebbe Roe Smith as:
Guy on Freeway