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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
D.O.A. Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: R Year: 1988 Category: Romance Thriller
Director: Annabel Jankel Rocky Morton Time: 96 min. Writer: Russell Rouse

Mine: Fun, visually interesting, if ultimately empty thriller. Quaid and Ryan are very good together. Nice to Quaid and Stern together again.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Noisy and needless remake of the film noir original, transplanted to academia. Quaid is a college professor fed a slow-acting toxin in a dispute over a prized fiction manuscript; Ryan is an innocent student helping him pursue his "killer. " Badly overdirected by the Max Headroom creators; obvious red herrings abound.
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Dennis Quaid Dennis Quaid as:
Dexter Cornell
Meg Ryan Meg Ryan as:
Sydney Fuller
Charlotte Rampling as:
Mrs. Fitzwaring
Daniel Stern Daniel Stern as:
Hal Petersham
Jane Kaczmarek as:
Gail Cornell
Christopher Neame as:
Robin Johnson as:
Cookie Fitzwaring
Robert Knepper as:
Nicholas Lang