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Dirty Dancing
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
1 star
Dirty Dancing Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1987 Category: Drama Romance
Director: Emile Ardolino Time: 96 min. Writer: Eleanor Bergstein

Mine: I so don't understand what the big deal was about this movie. I see it as a third rate romance with some second rate dancing in it. I was particularly amazed by the scene where the two leads sleep together for the first ime after just witnessing a ugly and life threating abortion.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Superficial but audience-pleasing tale of spoiled teenage girl who learns something about real life--as well as a thing or two about dancing--during family vacation at a Catskills, N. Y. , resort hotel in the early 1960s. Sparked by some hot dance numbers, and star-making performance of Grey (daughter of Joel) opposite actor-dancer Swayze. Most of the music is 1980s-style, not 1960s, but it seems to work. For a richer portrait of Catskills life see another 1987 release, SWEET LORRAINE. Oscar winner for best song: ``(I've Had) The Time of My Life. '' Followed by a TV series.
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Jennifer Grey as:
Frances Houseman
Patrick Swayze Patrick Swayze as:
Johnny Castle
Jerry Orbach Jerry Orbach as:
Jake Houseman
Cynthia Rhodes as:
Penny Johnson
Jack Weston as:
Max Kellerman
Jane Brucker as:
Lisa Houseman
Kelly Bishop as:
Marjorie Houseman
Wayne Knight Wayne Knight as: