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Crossing Delancey
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
4.5 Stars
Crossing Delancey Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: PG Year: 1988 Category: Romance
Director: Joan Micklin Silver Time: 97 min. Writer: Susan Sandler

Mine: Wonderful romance. Amy is terrific. Love movies set in NYC. Go see it.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Charming comedy about a self-reliant young N. Y. C. woman whose Jewish grandmother arranges for her to meet an eligible bachelor through the services of a marriage broker... much to her chagrin. Amusing, sometimes wistful look at the clash between old-world traditions and our modern way of life. Adapted by Susan Sandler, from her play.
User Reviews:
alwsmile's rating:
None Given
(out of 5 stars)
I love this movie which made me believe in love and romance. It is about dealing with our roots and not trying to conform with society. In the end love wins out. ,,,
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Amy Irving Amy Irving as:
Esabelle Grossman
Peter Riegert Peter Riegert as:
Sam Posner
Claudia Silver as:
Cecilia Monk
David Hyde Pierce David Hyde Pierce as:
Rosemary Harris Rosemary Harris as:
Pauline Swift
Amy Wright as:
Reizl Bozyk as:
Bubbie Kantor
Sylvia Miles as:
Hannah Mandelbaum