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Crocodile Dundee II
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2 Stars
Crocodile Dundee II Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: NR Year: 1988 Category: Comedy Action
Director: John Cornell Time: 110 min. Writer: Brett Hogan & Paul Hogan

Mine: Again, watchable, but nothing special. Hogan is good, but the plot is silly.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Pleasant followup to the runaway hit reverses the original by opening in N. Y. C. and winding up in the bush country of Australia. This time the unflappable tracker runs afoul of an international drug kingpin. So leisurely that after a while you wish they'd get on with it--especially when all suspense about the outcome is eliminated. Hogan's charisma carries this almost singlehandedly. Written by Hogan and his son Brett. Panavision.
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Paul Hogan as:
Crocodile Dundee
Linda Kozlowski as:
Sue Charlton
John Meillon as:
Wally Reilly
Ernie Dingo as:
Steve Rackman as:
Mick's Mate
Gus Mercurio as:
Jim Holt as:
Alec Wilson as:
Luis Guzman Luis Guzman as:
Stephen Root Stephen Root as:
DEA Agent
Charles Dutton Charles Dutton as: