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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2 Stars
Congo Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Adam
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1995 Category: Action
Director: Frank Marshall Time: 109 min. Writer: Michael Crichton & John Patrick Shanley

Mine: Simplistic, but fun at parts. I don't think that there is any acting here anywhere. Some really bad special effects.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Clumsily written Saturday-matinee nonsense about a gorilla expert who goes on a trouble-laden expedition to Africa with a Roumanian fortune hunter and a high-tech communications expert who's searching for her ex-fiancé. Sort of watchable, but poky pacing, unappealing characters, and senseless script sink it. The big special-effects climax is as unconvincing as Amy, the costarring gorilla. Michael Crichton's story was adapted by--of all people--John Patrick Shanley (MOONSTRUCK). Joe Pantoliano appears unbilled.
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Dylan Walsh Dylan Walsh as:
Dr. Peter Elliot
Laura Linney Laura Linney as:
Dr. Karen Ross
Ernie Hudson Ernie Hudson as:
Monroe Kelly
Tim Curry Tim Curry as:
Herkermer Homolka
Joe Don Baker Joe Don Baker as:
R.B. Travis
Stuart Pankin as:
Lorene Noh as:
Carolyn Seymour as:
Elanor Romy
Joe Pantoliano Joe Pantoliano as:
Eddie Ventro
Bruce Campbell Bruce Campbell as:
Charles Travis