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The Color of Money
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
1.5 Stars
The Color of Money Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: R Year: 1986 Category: Drama
Director: Martin Scorsese Time: 117 min. Writer: Richard Price

Mine: Nothing much. Newman is good, but Cruise is in way over his head, trys to snear his way through it. Just never gets interesting. Tries hard, but falls flat. Among Scoresse's weekest films.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Sharply made, nicely textured sequel to THE HUSTLER, with Newman's Fast Eddie Felson finding a younger, greener version of himself in small-time pool hotshot Cruise, whom he decides to promote for another shot at the big time. Hardboiled script by Richard Price, flashy direction by Scorsese, flamboyant camerawork by Michael Ballhaus, and top-notch performances by Cruise and especially Newman make this a must-see... though film's second half is protracted and disappointing, with a hoped-for climax that never occurs. Newman finally picked up an Academy Award for his fine work here.
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Paul Newman Paul Newman as:
Tom Cruise Tom Cruise as:
Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio as:
Helen Shaver as:
John Turturro John Turturro as:
Bill Cobbs as:
Robert Agins as:
Alvin Anastasia as: